The project aims to develop new control strategies for entomological enemies of stored animal feed using innovative technologies. The use of phosphine sensors will have as a direct consequence the most successful applications of phosphine and, by extension, the limitation of the phenomenon of the development of resistance in insect stores. Likewise, the application of precision insecticides will result in the reduction of phosphine applications, as repeated applications due to application failures will be avoided.
for the limitation of the phenomenon of the development of resistance in insect stores.
successful assurance of quality and improvement of the health of farmed animals.
Also, the implementation of the present project is expected to lead to the production of completely disinfested animal feed, as now the treatment of insect warehouses will be more effective and thus the quantitative and qualitative degradation of animal feed due to insect infestations in the warehouse will be limited. As a direct result, the upgrading of feed hygiene and the successful assurance of its quality will be achieved, as well as the improvement of the health of farmed animals (e.g. the reduction of problems will reduce health problems related to the quality of feed).
Based on the above, it is understood that the expected results of the project will effectively contribute to the further improvement of the competitiveness of the company VIOZOKAT, through the more effective reduction of entomological problems.